Newsletter 22, February 2017 Pythagoras Foundation Contents: Sarah B. Pomeroy, interview + CV Pythagorean women in the DATABASES Hypatia in the DATABASES Hypatia […]
Os versos dourados de Pitágoras Autor:Antoine Fabre d’Olivet Tradutor:Edson Bini Sinopse: “Os antigos costumavam comparar ao ouro tudo o que consideravam […] This annual Newsletter gives articles and a summary of literature, book reviews of recent publications concerning Pythagoras and Pythagoreans. Interesting internetsites, work […]
We are a group of students of the teachings of Pythagoras, Brothers and Sisters who join together for discussions, sharing our thoughts that […]
PITÁGORAS Prof. Dr. Rosala Garzuze (Introdução ao Estudo do Pitagorismo) “Dicen algunos que Pitagoras nada escribió; pêro se engañan, pues Heráclito el […]